Basically we were on a delivery from FLL to BVI and shot through the gap just south of great Abaco Bahamas. The sea's were a bit rolly but I noticed that the flying fish were jumping everywhere. I had a good feeling and sent out some lure's hoping for a bite. As per normal I alway put on a red and black squid and not even 10 min later my rod is screaming, lost huge wahoo jumping out the water with my favorite lure hanging off his gills(knew i needed steal wire). At this point I was determined to catch me a monster so put on the biggest lure in the tackle box, you know what the say "big lures catch big fish". It was just moments later that I saw what looked like a croc smashing my lure and it was on. Gave me a run for my money however after 40 - 45mins I pulled the monster close enough that he was jumping right off the back of the boat. My adrenaline boasted once again and managed to land the biggest Mahi-Mahi I have ever seen weighing close to 30kg.
Again big thanks for the great gear and hope there is more successful stories to come.
William Stewien